A Guide to the Puerto Rico Climate

You might be wondering about the Puerto Rico climate if you’re planning a visit. To help, we’ve put together everything you need to know about the Puerto Rico climate! That way, no matter when you decide to come on down, you’ll know what to expect! 

What’s The Average Climate in Puerto Rico?

The best place to start looking at Puerto Rico’s climate is during its “coldest” month, January. The average low temperature is 70 Fahrenheit. The average high temperature is 83 Fahrenheit. We think you’ll agree; that’s not what most people in the northern part of the United States would call “cold.” It’s downright balmy. The great news is that Puerto Rico enjoys warm, sunny days, almost the entire year. 

Yes, it’s humid, but you won’t see any winter. You won’t see much of a spring or fall, either. Most of the year here is pretty much like summertime in the rest of the United States. You will find, though, that in the north of the island, temperatures are a bit higher. Down to the south and central interior mountains, the temperature stays cooler.

storms in puerto rico

What About Storms in Puerto Rico?

One of the biggest challenges that Puerto Rico faces is cyclones and hurricanes. Unfortunately, the island is rather exposed. However, it usually takes less of a hit than other islands. The worst time of year for storms is between August and October. Ask the US National Weather Service, however, and they’ll tell you it runs from June 1 through November 30. That’s the typical “hurricane season” for the North Atlantic Basin. When the winds aren’t blowing up a storm, they usually move east to west across the island.

Storms or not, however, you’ll be glad to know that island life in Puerto Rico goes on. Yes, residents prepare for the Puerto Rico climate, but you won’t find many in a constant state of stress over it. Hotels will still be open, and all the activities you could ask for will be available. Some smaller hotels might close, but most of the larger hotels don’t. One last bit of good news is that, historically, Puerto Rico gets hit by far fewer major storms than Florida. Some of the best ways to protect your things during a storm include:

  • Put hurricane shutters on all of your windows and doors.
  • Strap down your home’s roof with hurricane straps or clips
  • Put extra caulking around doors and windows (It helps keep out driving rain.)
  • Attach head and foot bolts to entry doors to keep them from blowing in.
  • Test any sump pumps or drains you have to make sure they’re working correctly
  • Rent a storage unit for your valuables 

How Often Does it Rain?

While Puerto Rico doesn’t get a massive amount of rain, it certainly gets enough. Interestingly, due to the topography of the island, rainfall can vary significantly. For example, some cities In the north of Puerto Rico average 29 inches of rain per year. In the south, though, you’ll find others that average 171 inches. Generally speaking, the wettest month is August, with about 7 inches or 18 cm of rain. Also, the “rainy season” in Puerto Rico starts in April and goes through November. They also have a “dry season,” which begins in December and goes through till March.

You can expect the weather in Puerto Rico to have rain. For example, you can look at a 10-day forecast, and it shows rain every day. The truth is, it rains pretty much every day in Puerto Rico, but the rainstorms come and go extremely quickly. In between, the sun comes back out, and the sky turns a gorgeous blue. (It’s very similar to what happens in Florida.) However, if you’re planning a visit and worried about rain, don’t. The weather in Puerto Rico averages a balmy 80 to 85 Fahrenheit throughout the year.

water temperature in puerto rico

What Is the Water Temperature in Puerto Rico?

It’s no surprise that the water temperature is excellent in Puerto Rico. The water is a beautiful shade of turquoise and emerald green and stays warm even during the winter. That’s when the average ocean temperature is about 75 Fahrenheit. During the summer, it jumps up to about 85 Fahrenheit. However, it still feels incredibly refreshing due to the breezes on the island. By the way, the best time to snorkel in Puerto Rico is from June through August. That’s when the water is its most clear, warm, and calm. Indeed, you’ll find virtually no waves during normal summer weather. It’s definitely part of why Puerto Rico’s climate is so inviting.

Protecting Your Things From Storms

We mentioned earlier that Puerto Rico experiences storms and hurricanes every year. Many residents rent storage units to protect their things when a storm heads their way. Storage units offer an extra level of protection to household goods and equipment. As we mentioned, they’re also a great place to store your sports equipment.

In closing, we know you’ll love Puerto Rico and the exciting climate. We wish you a wonderful time and, if you’re moving here, welcome home!

5 thoughts on “A Guide to the Puerto Rico Climate”

  1. Thank you for the information. I moved to Puerto Rico ?? in 1982. I’m retired and looking forward to move back. But I heard that my social security will decrease consirably, therefore that is a little intimidating. I been looking at homes but they are out of my range. Who I need to contact for help with logging. I don’t want to be harrast by realtors or vendors. I want a peaceful transition. Thanks.
    What is a trusted source for transportation. Thanks ??

  2. Thank you for the information. I moved from Puerto Rico ?? to USA in 1982. I’m retired and looking forward to move back. But I heard that my social security will decrease consirably, therefore that is a little intimidating. I been looking at homes but they are out of my range. Who I need to contact for help with logging. I don’t want to be harrast by realtors or vendors. I want a peaceful transition. Thanks.
    What is a trusted source for transportation. Thanks ??

    • When you say it’s humid, how humid? Florida humid? Because it can be downright gross hot in Florida May through September. Thanks for the great article.


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